Click on the three dots and download the audio. QLoad opens a new page where the audio is ready to save. Once you have pasted it, click on “Process” and then on “download track”. In the download block, paste the link obtained and click to download. In this case, we are going to use QLoad, one of the simplest websites. On the Internet, you can find several TikTok audio downloader pages, which are also suitable for videos. 2 Go to a TikTok audio downloader platform To obtain it, you can do it from your mobile, by clicking on the share arrow and copying the link, or from your computer choosing the video and copying the URL. Let’s get started! 1 Copy the link of the TikTok video that contains the audio In order to download audio from TikTok, you just have to follow these instructions. If that’s you, keep reading on how to download TikTok sounds and getting familiar with TikTok audio downloaders. This probably sounds like a familiar situation for you if you use TikTok often. In this article, we will talk about how to download TikTok sounds without having to try to search forever trying to find the audio again. Then you think, “hopefully, I can download this audio on my mobile or PC.” You’re watching TikTok like every night, and suddenly, boom! A video with a sound that you love. 2 Go to a TikTok audio downloader platform.1 Copy the link of the TikTok video that contains the audio.How to download TikTok sounds in 3 steps.